The 2016 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) held January 17-20 in San Diego, California provided the setting for the 6th Annual Serious Games and Virtual Environments Arcade and Showcase. The Arcade and Showcase featured exhibits from veterans of educational simulation technology as well as from a variety of newcomers using virtual environments and games to support clinical education. Participation in the Arcade and Showcase provided both thought leaders and attendees with an opportunity to interact and collaborate with one another. In addition, entries were judged based on innovation, implementation of technology, game elements, the vision for how the game/virtual environment can impact education in the health professions, and the presentation of the idea at the showcase. Based on these criteria, the following entries were singled out from the crowded field of excellent presentations for special recognition by a panel of judges:
Faculty Division
Winner: Decontamination Training Delivered Using Virtual Reality – Sharon Farra1, Eric Hodgson2, and Sherrill Smith1
(1Wright State University, Dayton, OH United States; 2Miami University, Oxford, OH United States)
Runner-up: Virtual Gaming Pediatric Clinical Simulation – Margaret Verkuyl1, Lynda Atack1, Paula Mastrilli2, and Daria Romaniuk3
(1Centennial College, Scarborouth, Canada; 2George Brown College, Toronto, ON Canada; 3Ryerson University, Toronto, ON Canada)
Small/Emerging Company Division
Winner: Brush Up – Dov Jacobson1
(1Games That Work, Atlanta, GA United States)
Runner-up: Body Interact – The Virtual Training Hospital – Pedro Miguel Pinto1
(1Take The Wind, Lda, Coimbra, Portugal)
Large Company/High Resource Organization Division
Winner: MReal: The Beating Heart Experience – Eric Bauman1, Reid Adams2, Brian Pelletier3, Greg Vaughan3, Sarah Aken3, Mike Beall3, Jason Williams4, Michael Carney4, and David Pederson5
(1Institute for Research & Clinical Strategy, Middleton, WI United States; 2Learning Games Network, Madison, WI United States; 3DeVry Medical International’s Institute for Research & Clinical Strategy, Sarnia, ON Canada; 4DeVry Education Group, Downers Grove, IL United States; 5St. Kitts; 6DeVry Education Group, Boise, IDUnited States; 7DeVry Medical International, United States)
Runner-up: VHA Employee Education System/SimLEARN Serious Educational Gaming Products Code Cart Game – Aurelio Maldonado1 and Leslie Dubow1
(1VHA Employee Education System, Orlando, FL United States)